Teresa Meireles

Teresa Meireles is a teacher in ESEI Maria Ulrich since 1999. She worked from 1986 to 1998 has an Early Childhood Educator. Meanwhile, during the practice, she always had formation in Art Education. (Drama, Plastic, Theatre, Music and Video practical courses) and she tried to make connections in this different areas with the children and now she continued to focus her interest in this subject with the students.

Since 2000 she completed a Master degree in Culture and New Technologies and is studding to obtain a Doctoral degree (PhD) in Contemporary Culture and New Technologies.

In this last year, I´m very pleased to participate again in the Intensive Programme were we  are going to explore a new concept for “Finding pedagogical resources within urban places – Building the Education City” in Bologna, Italia.

All this different approaches gives us in the last two years the opportunities for change new visions of education and establish singular relations between students and teachers trying to find diverse working methodology.

I hope that the beautiful city of Bologna is going to show us is uncommon “Faces”…and give us new pedagogical resources to explore.

See you soon!!!










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